Presented for sale by Phil Barber, Cambridge, Mass. 02139 Telephone (617) 492-4653
For my part I entertain a high idea of the utility of periodical publications; insomuch as I could heartily desire, copies of ... magazines, as well as common Gazettes, might be spread through every city, town, and village in the United States. I consider such vehicles of knowledge more happily calculated than any other to preserve the liberty, stimulate the industry, and ameliorate the morals of a free and enlightened people.-
George Washington, 1788 in a letter to Matthew Carey, published of the Philadelphia Columbian Magazine.
SCENE in a prosperous Colonial printing shop, contemporary woodcut. Note the double presses and female printers.
About This Era and its Newspapers
The subject period of this catalog comprises the first fifty years or so of the United States, after independence was won in 1783 and up to the Penny Press era of the 1830's. Earlier papers are quite rare, and are offered individually in my Early Americana General Catalog. Later issues may be found in my 19th Century General Catalog.
The first era of American printing begins in 1639 and ends about 1830. These earliest printed items are the products of a pre-Industrial Age technology, printed on wooden "Franklin" presses on papers manufactured by a laborious hand process from rags, old clothing, and other newspapers. These wonderfully collectible imprints are charming in their simplicity, survivors of a sturdy era of hard, honest work by skilled crafts people. They are most appealing mementos of that long lost world and are among the most sought after of all American journalism history items.
Right, contemporary woodcut of Spring sowing. Almost all Americans lived on farms in this era.
The first newspaper appeared in Boston in 1690, entitled Publick Occurrences. Published without authority, it was immediately suppressed, its publisher arrested, and all copies were destroyed. The first successful newspaper was the Boston News-Letter, begun by postmaster John Campbell in 1704. Although it was heavily subsidized by the colonial government it enjoyed a very limited circulation. Two more papers made their appearance in the 1720's, in Philadelphia and New York, and the Fourth Estate slowly became established on the new continent. By the eve of the Revolutionary War, some two dozen papers were issued at all the colonies, although Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania would remain the centers of American printing for many years. Articles in colonial papers, brilliantly conceived by revolutionary propagandists, were a major force that influenced public opinion in America from reconciliation with England to full political independence. All newspapers from the Colonial and Revolutionary years are quite rare today, with issues before 1750 extremely rarely seen in today's marketplace.
LEFT, Sam Adams, master Revolutionary era strategist whose articles frequently appeared in the BOSTON GAZETTE.
When America's independence was won in 1783 there were forty-three newspapers in print. The press played a vital role in the affairs of the new nation; many more newspapers were started, representing all shades of political opinion. The importance of the press to the young nation can hardly be overemphasized. Newspapers and the occasional magazine were the only medium of mass communication and the sole sources of information needed by Americans to make informed choices about their new government. The no holds barred style of early journalism, much of it libelous by modern standards, reflected the rough and tumble political life of the republic as rival factions jostled for power. The ratification of the Bill of Rights in 1791 at last guaranteed of freedom of the press, and America's newspapers began to take on a central role in national affairs. Growth continued in every state. By 1814 there were 346 newspapers.
It is worthy of remark that newspapers have almost entirely changed their form and
character ... They have become the vehicles of discussion, in which the principles of
government, the interests of nations, the spirit and tendency of public measures, and the
public and private character of individuals are all arraigned, tried, and decided ... they
have become immense moral and political engines, closely connected to the welfare of the
state, and deeply involving both its peace and prosperity.
-Miller, A Brief Retrospective of the Eighteenth Century, published in 1803
In these early years of the new independent America, the state was fragile and its future was far from certain.
The war that resulted in American independence had been as much a civil war as a struggle against British authority. Loyalties were sharply divided among Americans, between those who kept allegiance to a king whose authority to rule them came directly from God (at least according to Church of England) and those who followed the radical French philosophes’ declaration that the inalienable "rights of man" would now replace the traditional authority of church and state. Many colonial militia units fought alongside the recoats, in addition to those which fought against their traditional comrades-in-arms in past colonial wars with France and Spain.
In this difficult time the Federalist - Republican disagreements over the most important aspects of political philosophy and practice were endless and passionately defended - and there was violence, as Americans struggled, often without success, to explain themselves to each other. People used the same words, but their meanings and implementation differed drastically. The conversation nonetheless continued and in that discussion grew the symbolic language of the nation, having at its core the notions of liberty, independence, representation, what made a republic, separation of powers, "popular sovereignty," and, ultimately, who were "the people." In the controversy over the defining of state, the nation was born.
It has been said that to be American was to participate in the revolutionary dialogue that Adams and Jefferson had started. In these early years, our newspapers did not try to dampen the hostilities that this dialogue created. In fact, they amplified them, and helped bring about new crises for the state to manage. But as the only vehicles of mass communication, they made the dialogue possible, and there lies the vital link between early American journalism and American nationhood in this formative period.
The subject period of this catalog ends in the 1830's, at the dawn of the Industrial Age, when dramatic advances in printing and papermaking technology led to an explosion of newspaper growth. It became possible for the first time to produce a daily newspaper that could be sold for just a cent a copy, and so the period came to be known as the "Penny Press" revolution. Previously, newspapers were the province of the wealthy, literate minority, but now the availability of cheap, interesting reading material created a significant stimulus to the achievement of the nearly universal literacy now taken for granted in America. Examples of these later newspapers are offered for sale in the next section of my Introductory Catalog. Click here to go there.
RIGHT, Street scene in Philadelphia, one of America's three large cities. Contemporary woodcut.
All items from this formative period of American journalism are now scarce to rare. An experienced printer and his apprentices could "pull" no more than six hundred newspapers a day; a circulation of two thousand copies per issue was considered exceptional throughout most of the period. Many papers produced less than five hundred copies of each issue. Almost all early papers and magazines ended up discarded or recycled into new paper. Only a few specimens saved by libraries, by the newspaper publishers themselves, and by a handful of individuals, and form these come the examples available to modern collectors.
About The Catalog Listings
All items in this catalog are unconditionally guaranteed to be genuine and accurately described. Any item may be returned within seven days of receipt for a full refund. No reason for return is ever required.They are in fine used condition and are complete with all pages as issued. All papers are free of damage or objectionable defects. I am are sure you will be delighted with their exceptional state of preservation. I purchase only the finest condition newspapers that can be found to offer to my valued friends and customers.
About These Newspapers and Magazines
The periodicals offered here are what are called "atmosphere" or "type" issues. They were printed on those ninety-nine days in a hundred that nothing of great historic note occurred. They are still of great value (and quite modest price) for the intimate glimpse they provide into a long-vanished world. Their articles detail what was important to Americans of those days, be it politics, wars, social values, or any of the other enduring human concerns. Even the ads, so modest by our standards, speak to us of the never-changing human wish for novelty, status, comfort, and security. I cannot accept requests for specific dates or special historic content at these low "type issue" prices but we will be pleased to receive your want lists for such items.
The newspapers are full folio size unless described as quarto or octavo, which are respectively smaller in format, the latter being the standard size for most magazines. Most newspapers have been carefully removed from bound volumes and may exhibit characteristic minor spine weakness or separation without significant paper loss. Small format octavo-sized magazines are disbound from annual volumes and lack wraps unless otherwise stated, as these were very rarely preserved in the bound runs. Illustration plates are lacking unless described as present in the description, as most were framed by the original subscribers.
Historians delight in telling us what our history is and what it means. The documentarian, on the other hand, as often delights in recording and conveying the simple fact that we have had a history at all: that there was once a time when people looked like this, or sounded like that, or felt these ways about such things." -Ken Burns, Introduction to The Civil War, 1991
Each catalog entry is very briefly described for the general appearance, historical significance, and content of the title. Every issue contains hours of additional historic reading and insights into the world preserved on its pages, much more than I could find the space to describe here.
I pride myself on the quality and accuracy of my catalog descriptions, and strive to provide all the information needed to enable you to make an informed selection. Please consult my collector information pages and glossary of terms page linked below, if you are not sure of what any of the descriptive terms mean.
Pictures of Cataloged Items
Digital photos are available of the items in this catalog. To view them, click on the small thumbnail illustration in the item description. You will then see on your screen a full-size version of that illustration. You can return to the catalog by using your browser's "BACK" command. All illustrations are of actual specimens being offered for sale, and were chosen as most representative of the items. The photos may depict a full page or a detail close-up, or several typical issues, but all papers are complete and undamaged as noted.
Please note that the camera flash tends to exaggerate foxing and spotting, some degree of which is normal in old paper and which is not so dramatic in person!
My Introductory catalogs of "atmosphere issues" of historic old newspapers are now offline. This category has been very popular with my customers and collecting friends but I am no longer able to acquire new stock to replenish my inventory at reasonable price levels.
I continue to present individually described issues of special historic interest and value in my regular catalogs, along with a few selected atmosphere issue offerings as stock allows. Links to those pages are the foot of this page and on my home page.
I am keeping this page online for information purposes, as considerable effort went into researching the descriptions of the titles in it. I hope you will find the information useful, and a good starting point into further study of the history and heritage of journalism.
Retirement Catalog
Some are telling me that after forty plus years, it is time for me to consider retiring. As I ponder this (less than enthusiastically, I might add), I am considering the possibility of producing a "retirement catalog" of especially nice items from inventory, wholesale offerings, and so on. To see if this plan has gone beyond the thinking stage, please click here send me an email if you're
Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.-Thomas Jefferson, 1787.
N-172. THE ANALECTIC MAGAZINE, typical issue printed between 1815 and 1819. [Complete issue of 88 pages, 4to size, published at Philadelphia]
A fine early American monthly magazine, filled with interesting reading matter. There is eclectic content and reviews on all matter of events in the passing scene. Its original editor was Washington Irving who tired quickly of the labor and was succeeded by attorney Thomas Wharton, who presided over the publication of these issues. There is also a department called "The Naval Chronicle" which makes interesting reading on the U.S. Navy in those early days of "wooden ships and iron men".
By the Founder of American Party Journalism. N-174. COBBETT'S WEEKLY POLITICAL REGISTER, typical issue printed between 1815 and 1816.
[Complete issue of 16 pages, octavo size, published at New York, by Cobbett and Oldfield].
Printed on New York's Wall Street is this classic political journal, whose content is provided by William Cobbett (1763 - 1835), the
great Anglo-American journalist and founder of American party journalism. At this point he had returned to England, where this week's
columns were written, after being fined for libels published in his Philadelphia newspaper, the famed Porcupine's Gazette. He
would return to the U.S. in 1817 and once again find it opportune to decamp to England. Doubtless he would be pleased with the senseless
invective that passes for political commentary these days, for he invented the dubious art form of attack journalism. Interesting
perspectives in the immediate postwar era, as angry sectionalist factions wrestle with what the country just escaped, and where it
should go next .
N-177. THE WEEKLY REGISTER, typical issue printed between 1815 and 1819. [complete issue of 16 pages, printed at Baltimore, octavo size].
An American classic, renowned for its impartial and accurate news coverage. Printed by the great newsman Hezekiah Niles (1777 - 1839), this paper became one of America's finest, as it strove for impartial and accurate news reporting, a comparative rarity in this period of partisan newspapering. To this end, the paper accepted no advertising. Wide variety of contents, a recommended addition to every newspaper collection. The postwar westward expansion of the eastern states is reflected in the news in these issues, as is the national growth in industry, public works, education, and more.
The Paper That Gave A Name to An Era N-182. THE COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, issue dated 1815 to 1819. [Complete issue of 4 pages, folio size, published at Boston, Mass.]
These issues are from the "Era of Good Feeling", a phrase describing this time of American history that was actually coined by Russell in an 1817 editorial. It portrays the nation healing from the wounds of the War of 1812 and the bitter political divisiveness that nearly broke up the federal union. This was a time of westward expansion, big government public works projects, and an unbounded optimism about the young nation's great destiny, all of which are here chronicled, together with nice ads, etc.
Early Issues of America's Oldest Daily Newspaper in Top Condition N-183. THE NEW-YORK EVENING POST, issue printed between 1816 and 1818. [complete issue of 4 pages, printed at New York by Michael Burnham & Co.].
This classic of early American journalism was founded in 1801 by Alexander Hamilton to be the spokesman of the Federalist cause. It is filled with political commentary of this rapidly fading party, and news of all kinds. The ads are quite exceptional, more than a few with large illustrations (See my scan, left), more than in papers from any other city in the nation. At this period New York was rapidly filling the vacuum left by the collapse of commerce in Boston, which had been the nation's premier city until her merchants were all but wiped out by the British blockade in the War of 1812. Thus the news found here is the latest and most reliable, as demanded by the paper's larger mercantile readership. The venerable newspaper survives (to apply the term loosely) today as the New York Post, the oldest daily newspaper published in America.
"The World's First Religious Newspaper"
N-185. THE RECORDER, typical issue printed between 1816 and 1818.
[Complete issue of 4 pages, folio size, published at Boston, Mass. by Nathaniel
Founder and Editor Nathaniel Willis (1780 - 1870) made the claim that this
Baptist weekly was "The World's First Religious Newspaper." A veteran
journalist, who founded the Eastern Argus in 1803, he would achieve
lasting famed for starting the hugely successful Youth's Companion which
first appeared as a department in this sheet. Its contents discuss the sect and
its beliefs and progress, as well as news and politics (he was an ardent
Anti-Federalist) and social mores of that long-vanished American, just now
recovering from the shock of war. Fair number of ads as well. The issues offered
here were delivered to Rev. Benjamin Emerson, uncle of Ralph Waldo Emerson, and have his name, inked in by a subscription clerk, at the Masthead of each issue.
N-189. THE NEW-ENGLAND PALLADIUM, typical issue printed between 1816 and 1821. [published at Boston, complete issue of 4pp, full folio]
An excellent semi-weekly newspaper in which the nation's recovery from the war with England and expansion into the west can be seen. Many attractive ads, with emphasis on shipping in the seaport city, with small woodcuts of sailing vessels, plus all the news of the day
A Scarce Antebellum Southern Christian Paper N-201. THE SUNDAY VISITANT, typical issue printed between 1818 and 1819. [Charleston, S. Carolina, 4pp quarto]. Rev. Fowler's influential weekly newspaper paints a picture of the role of the Christian faith in the culture of the antebellum South. A fine glimpse into the nation's religious heritage, and freedom of religion in practice. Content includes sermons and homilies, exhortations in dealing with life's troubles, a few news items and marriage notices and the like. It is a scarcer imprint, as Southern papers of this vintage are very hard to find. Its printer used the finest modern imported English type, evidence of the prosperity enjoyed at this hub of Southern commercial and social life.
N-207. THE BOSTON COMMERCIAL GAZETTE, typical issue printed in 1820.
[Complete issue of 4 pages, folio size, published at Boston, Mass.].
News from all over fills pages one and two of This excellent early newspaper, with coverage ranging from the latest foreign dispatches received to the deeds of the government down in Washington. The next two pages are just packed with an incredible variety of ads, many illustrated with small sailing ships, emblems or all kinds. Many are for imports just arrived in this busy port city.
“She [the United States] goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy, She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own... She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom.” -Secretary of State John Quincy Adams, Independence Day Speech, Washington, July 4, 1821.
N-219. THE WEEKLY REGISTER, typical issue printed between 1820 and 1829. [complete issue of 16 pages, printed at Baltimore, octavo size].
An American classic, renowned for its impartial and accurate news coverage. Printed by the great newsman Hezekiah Niles (1777 - 1839), this paper became one of America's finest, as it strove for impartial and accurate news reporting, a comparative rarity in this period of partisan newspapering. To this end, the paper accepted no advertising. Wide variety of contents, a recommended addition to every newspaper collection.
fine examples of this decade of unprecedented national expansion, earliest emergence of the U.S. as a player on the world stage, clashes with native Americans, westward travel, etc.
N-222. THE COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, typical issue dated 1821 to 1825.
[Complete issue of 4 pages, folio size, published at Boston, Mass.]
These issues are from the Presidency of James Monroe and mirror the times, the nation's phenomenal growth and development, and there is now a handsome woodcut of an American eagle in the Masthead. The news coverage is quite detailed and the ads are many in number, as Boston returns to prosperity through her sea voyaging sons.
With A Frontpage Act of Congress Signed in Type by the President! N-223. THE COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, issue dated between 1821 and 1825.
[Complete issue of 4 pages, folio size, published at Boston, Mass.]
A handful of issues from the Presidency of James Monroe feature frontpage printings of the new laws passed by Congress and signed into law by the President. They are published here, as the Constitution mandates, and appear over the "type signature" of the President, boldly printed as JAMES MONROE. Issues with this early 19th century convention are much prized as collectors' items, being far less costly than the original Presidential handwritten signature!
Condition is quite fine with minor edge foxing on heavy sound paper
While forming a fine item for the modern collector, these ads represent a subtle but powerful methof of controlling newspaper reporting on the national government's activities. The awarding of the lucrative contracts to publish new laws, as required by the Constitution, was made only to cooperative editors, never to opposition papers!
A Famous Title Reviv'd, From Old Philadelphia N-224. THE NATIONAL GAZETTE, typical issue printed between 1821 and 1822.
[Complete issue of 4 pages, folio size, published at Philadelphia, Penna., by William Fry].
From the Quaker city comes this fine newspaper, the latest to use that famous
name. This is the bi-weekly edition; a daily edition also ran concurrently using
the same title. Its content is a collection of news briefs and items taken from
papers from across the country, reporting petty crimes, severe weather, public
executions, political anecdotes, and the like. It also features an interesting
"Prices of Stocks" column, and the exchange rates of various paper
currencies issued by state and local banks. Nice paper .
N-225. THE MINERVA, typical issue printed in 1822. [Complete issue of 4 pages, quarto size, published at New York by George Houston and James G. Brooks].
Sub-headed a "Literary, Entertaining, and Scientific Journal", a fine weekly with a wide range of reading material on the stated topics, and inclusive of reviews, popular tales, criticism and some poetry. Nice addition to an unusual title collection. Minerva was the Roman Goddess of Wisdom, which that Classically educated generation readers would have recognized immediately. Good example of this popular genre of early American reading material, from the start of the expansion of the weekly miscellany, as urban Americans found more leisure time.
Confessions of An English Opium Eater N-226. THE SATURDAY MAGAZINE, typical issue printed in 1822.
[Complete issue of 16 pages, octavo size, published at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Eliakim Little and R. Norris Henry].
This literary weekly, whose title changed almost annually, at the whim of its editors, was the first to print Coleridge's great tale of
drug addiction, "Confessions of An Opium Eater" in America. I offer an issue containing an installment of that colorful tale
(alas, I was not able to secure all the numbers in which it was continued!) along with other period fiction and poetry, at a most
reasonable price.
Condition of the issues is bright crisp very fine in the original state, stitched as issued and never bound or trimmed, and mostly unopened, most uncommon thus. P
N-231. THE NEW-ENGLAND GALAXY, typical issue printed between 1822 - 1827. [Complete issue of 4 pages, folio size, published at Boston, Mass.]. This excellent weekly newspaper seeks to enlighten rather than to inform. It was published on Friday, in time to provide a weekend's worth of reading. Rather than hard news it contains feature stores of all kinds gathered form many different sources., They were selected to illustrated the human condition, courage and cowardice, joy and war, all manner of items gleaned from other papers, spoofing the fads and fashions of the day, commenting on what might be of lasting value. A fine glimpse into the manner of a less hurried and perhaps more thoughtful time, lots of pleasing reading here.
Most Unusual Format Newspaper from the Nation's
Capital N-234. THE WASHINGTON GAZETTE, typical issue printed between 1823 and
[Complete issue of 4 pages, folio size, published at Washington, D.C., by
Jonathan Elliot].
This remarkable tri-weekly newspaper does not have a traditional page one
Masthead. Rather, at the top of each page, in decorative type, is the title and
date of the newspaper. This is the semi-weekly "country edition", which contains
the news content of the two previous editions. The editor ingeniously printed
extra copies of one day's news pages on one side of the sheet, then added the
content from the next edition on the outer pages, and the subscription issue was
created! They are filled with the doings of the national government and its
members. Political coverage is quite in-depth. The nation was facing a major
change, in this difficult time, and politics were at fever pitch, with the race
already on to replace the outgoing James Monroe, last of the Founders to serve.
Some nice ads also.
Many Fine Ads N-237. THE INDEPENDENT INQUIRER, typical issue printed between 1823 - 1826. [Complete issue of 4 pages, folio size, published at Providence, R.I.]. This paper is distinguished by many fine illustrated ads, which reflect the developing technology of the art of printing, together with all the news and the political and social commentary that makes old newspapers such fascinating reading today. Very fine, bright condition. . . . 5.95
Volume I Issues of Plymouth's First Successful Newspaper! N-242. THE OLD COLONY MEMORIAL, typical issue printed between 1822 and 1823. [Complete issue of 4 pages, folio size, published at Plymouth, Mass.].
I am pleased to be able to offer Volume I issues of this fine newspaper from America's "home town." It was the first successful newspaper in this quintessentially American town, and is still comes out weekly there, one of the nation's oldest continuously published newspapers. A weekly Plymouth Journal had printed only 65 issues in 1785 - 1786. Plymouth was founded in 1620 on the site of the Indian town of Patuxet, all of whose inhabitants had perished in 1617 in what is now believed to be an epidemic of Hepatitis A, introduced by European traders. The "Pilgrims" (not their name for themselves; the term first appears to describe them in 1870's history books) were just 35 of the Mayflower's 102 passengers. They moved into the empty Indian homes and so survived that first winter.
The issues featured here were printed in the town's newer location closer to the harbor and contain full news, many fine ads, and often articles about the town's storied past. The November holiday we know as Thanksgiving was celebrated in Plymouth for over a century as "Founder's Day" and was made a national holidy by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. Quite a scarce find!
Uncommon Precursor of the Congressional Record EA-244. [Journalism]. THE NATIONAL JOURNAL EXTRA, typical issue printed between 1823 and 1824. [Washington, D.C.].
D.C. journalist Peter Force produced this special "EXTRA" edition of his daily newspaper to chronicle the doings of the federal Congress. It contains the debates in the House and Senate, where many illustrious American statesmen are serving, with the bills they introduce, the discussions and votes, and other government business. Force's venture failed, the task of recording Congress' activities being eventually taken over by the Congressional Register. Quite scarce, very few issues have survived. 8 pages, quarto size; very fine
N-248. THE ESSEX REGISTER, typical issue printed between 1825 - 28. [Complete issue of 4 pages, folio size, published at Salem, Mass., by Warwick Palfray].
A good early newspaper from the old town of Salem, the old Patriot Essex Register, which had been founded in 1802, named after Essex County, where Salem is located. The issues offer emphasis on commercial news, for Salem was an important early center of American maritime commerce, with her Yankee-captained ships criscrossing the globe. There is also full national and world reporting, and plenty of political commentary in this exciting era of expanding American horizons. Many ads appear on its last two pages, for ships' passage and freight, and the fancy goods that comprise their cargoes, as well as the homey necessities and luxuries of that bygone era.
America's First Scientific Magazine N-251. THE AMERICAN MECHANICS' MUSEUM, typical issue printed between 1825 and 1826.
[Complete issue of 16 pages, octavo size, published at New York, printed by William van Norden].
Produced by Thomas P. Jones (1774 -1848), mechanics professor of the Franklin Institute, this title is the earliest American weekly devoted entirely to technological advancement. Modeled on the London Mechanics' Magazine, it survived barely a year before merging with the Franklin Institute's newly launched Journal and moving to Philadelphia. It is an amazing digest of mechanical and scientific progress printed at the dawn of the Industrial Era in America, and is supplied with illustrations, a great rarity in era publications. Quite uncommon and a significant addition to any collection.
A High Quality Unitarian Weekly With A Full News Department N-253. THE CHRISTIAN REGISTER, typical issue printed between 1825 and 1829. [complete issue of 4 pages, folio size, printed at Boston, Mass., by Rev. David Reed].
This newspaper was a prominent spokesman of the controversial new Christian sect, the Unitarian Universalists, founded and published by David Reed (1790 - 1870), who edited the paper for 45 years, until 1866. On its pages are reported the progress of the new reformed faith and the allied progressive causes it espoused, including the crusade against slavery. There are such departments as "Religious Intelligence [News}", "History of Unitarianism", "Original Communications" from many writers, and finally a section entitled "Summary" being one or two columns of good news items condensed from the week's newspapers. A fine early edition from the seventh year of publication, printed on an old style wooden press with ancient type, charming.
A Reprise of a Famous Name, in the 50th Anniversary Year of American Freedom N-258. THE BOSTON NEWS-LETTER AND CITY REGISTER, typical issue printed in 1826.
[Complete issue of 16 pages, octavo size, published at Boston, Mass., by Munroe & Francis].
This uncommon weekly, which survived barely a year, reprised the name of the first American newspaper, which appeared 122 years earlier.
Its content is primary miscellany of all sorts, from the doings of the Boston Board of Aldermen, to news briefs from across the nation,
articles on the latest internal improvements and prominent personages of the day. As befits the title, several pieces on Boston's long
history appear in each issue. The backpage is devoted to city statistics, births, deaths, marriages, ships entered and cleared the busy
harbor, etc. In all a charming portrait of an America coming of age, in this year of the 50 year anniversary of the Declaration of
Early Issues of a Very Long-lived American Newspaper N-259. THE AMERICAN TRAVELLER, typical issue printed in 1826. [Complete issue of 4 pages, folio size, published at Boston, Mass.]. A fine bi-weekly newspaper filled with all the latest events and news. There are feature articles on topics ranging from travel and exploration to the latest luminaries of the stage theater and popular authors. God amount of commercial news, prices current, legal items, and more. Much of the European news is brand-new, fresh from merchant sailing ships just arrived at Boston harbor; those was the main way that news was obtained then! Through mergers, the paper lived on until the 1960's.
N-264. THE NEW-ENGLAND FARMER, typical issue printed in 1826. [Complete issue of 8 pages, quarto size, published at Boston, Mass.]. One of the earliest successful weekly newspapers for the farmer, each issue carries the latest in agricultural techniques and advances, with seasonal advice, plus recipes, anecdotes, and more domestic content. Such papers reflect that long-ago time in our history when the great majority of Americans were independent farmers, self-sustaining freemen in the world's only democracy. And for most Americans the genre w3as their chief glimpse of the large world beyond their fields and pastures.
Edited by a Future Advisor to the President! N-270. THE NEW-HAMPSHIRE PATRIOT AND STATE GAZETTE, typical issue printed between 1826 and 1828. [Complete issue of 4 pages, folio size, published at Portsmouth, N.H. by Isaac Hill].
This paper was edited by the great newsman Isaac Hill (1789 - 1851). Hill founded this newspaper and edited it from 1809 through 1829. He later served as U.S. Senator and New Hampshire Governor. His most remembered service to the country is, perhaps, as an influential member of President Jackson's informal "kitchen cabinet" whose opinions guided the progress of the nation in this exciting time when federalism was crumbling and genuine popular democracy was beginning to emerge on a mass scale for the first time. The newspaper is filled with commentary on politics, as you might imagine, along with all the latest news and features, plus quite a few nice illustrated advertisements from the New Hampshire city's merchants and traders.
A Charming Reminder of Paul Revere N-275. THE RHODE ISLAND AMERICAN & PROVIDENCE GAZETTE, typical issue printed between 1825 and 1827.
[Complete issue of 4 pages, folio size, published at Providence, R.I.]. In larger format (on machine made paper) This finely printed newspaper from the commercial city contains all the news and ads of the day and is in exceptionally bright, crisp condition. Its title illustrates the media consolidation that was ongoing even then, as the two famed and once rival papers became one. There is full news coverage from this period of expansion and political turbulence (John Q. Adams had just succeeded to the Presidency, though Andrew Jackson had won a majority of the votes. It was widely believed that Henry Clay had conspired with Adams to found a hereditary political dynasty, and the people were not amused.)
The highlight of these issues, I think, is the fine illustrated ad in each issue (see scan right) for William Revere's Boston bell foundry. He was Paul Revere's son, proudly carrying on the family metalworking business after his father's passing in 1818. Fate would see the younger Revere lose two of his own sons in the war to preserve the Union. I have never seen ads of his in Boston or other newspapers.
Quite a few other illustrated ads, with stagecoaches (the only means of travel between cities!) and more
Edited by a Washington Resident "Outsider" N-281. THE NATIONAL JOURNAL, typical issue printed between 1827 and 1828. [Complete issue of 4 pages, folio size, published at Washington, D.C.].
Washington newsman Peter Force produced this short-lived newspaper. It was a credible effort in reporting the doings of the government but failed due to the fierce competition with the established D.C. papers, which were the beneficiaries of lucrative and highly coveted federal printing contracts. The government form the earliest times was able to influence the content of the press by these pork barrel deals, and to ruin newspapers which would not cooperate. Abandoning the corruption of national politics, Force was later elected Mayor of D.C. and is know for his work in preserving the documents of earliest American history. Full news and opinion in this great era of transition.
The Church in Connecticut N-286. THE EPISCOPAL WATCHMAN, typical issue printed in 1828. [Complete issue of 8 pages, quarto size, published at Hartford, Connecticut]. This weekly newspaper reports the doings of the Episcopal Church, telling of prayer meetings, printing notable sermons, publishing letters on various aspects of doctrine, and carrying a modest amount of news and ads. Nice early example of American Christian journalism. Interestingly, just ten years earlier, in 1818, the state legislature abolished the taxation of its citizens to support the rival Congregationalist denomination
Unique Issues of A North Shore Mass. Newspaper N-297. THE LYNN MIRROR, typical issue printed between 1826 and 1828. [Complete issue of 4 pages, folio size, published at Lynn, Mass.].
Attractive early newspaper printed with an old set of type that gives it the appearance of an earlier era. Lots of large type is used in the ads and for emphasis. Content is news of all kinds, such as a gentleman would need to know to make informed business and political decisions. Newspapers were still part of the world of the elite, as their price was too high for working men to afford, and most Americans were illiterate. Possibly unique, as, just a handful of single 1820's issues survive in all U.S. libraries, according to the Union List.
Toward Anglo-American Understanding N-300. THE ALBION, typical issue printed between 1827 and 1828.
[Complete issue of 8 pages, small folio size, published at New York, by John S. Bartlett]. Dr. John S. Bartlett (1790 - 1863) founded this weekly newspaper for British residents of the U.S. and edited it for over a quarter-century. In its columns can be found all the latest from the mother country in the cultural, financial, literary, political, and military realms. There is also good coverage of the doings of New York's social elite and a full news summary of the week's news, "fashionable," and theatrical events. The editorials strive to heal relations with England, for even now half a century after the War of Independence old animosities ran very deep in the American psyche. "British" was a term used in derision by Americans of the day to describe anything suspicious or untrustworthy, such as the dangerous new ideas of women's rights and abolition. The Masthead tells us that the paper was printed on Wall Street, directly across the street from the Stock Exchange, with modern (and probably English made) type and has a fine decorative Masthead depicting the floral emblems of the United Kingdom. .
Rivalry in Rhode-Island N-308. THE LITERARY SUBALTERN, typical issue printed in 1829. [Complete issue of 4 pages, folio size, published at Providence, R.I.]
Despite the eccentric title (another Providence journal of the era was entitled The Literary Cadet, and one may assume a certain rivalry), this weekly is a standard newspaper, filled with news of the day, politics, opinion, advice, and so on, and a good budget of advertising. I offer Volume I issues, first year of publication; the paper survived a mere four years before merging with the old Providence Gazette
DETAIL factory workers in the Masthead of the LYNN MIRROR
A Magnificent Early Decorative Masthead N-309. THE LYNN MIRROR AND MECHANIC'S MAGAZINE, typical issue printed in 1829. [Complete issue of 4 pages, folio size, published at Lynn, Mass. by Charles F. Lummus].
For this final year of the 1820's, the editor commissioned a fine metal nameplate for his prosperous newspaper. Simple mastheads were the rule throughout the first years of American journalism, with few exceptions. This is one of the first to depict the broad vistas of the American scene in 19th, rather than 18th century style. The shoe in the central motif, flanked by a male and female factory worker (also called "mechanics" in era jargon), is potent symbolism of the new industrial age, which had its beginnings at this time in Lynn and other Massachusetts mill towns.
Full news and opinion and lots of ads. These issues are quite possibly unique, as just a handful of single 1820's issues survive in all U.S. libraries, according to the Union List.
Journalism Evolution in the Economic Powerhouse N-314. THE NEW-YORK AMERICAN, typical issue printed between 1829 - 1830. [Complete issue of 4 pages, folio size, published at New York City]
This handsome six-column wide sheet daily represents the new journalism, printed on a modern iron press on machine made paper, and it marks the end of the earliest period of American printing history. Vast amount of reading in its tightly-spaced columns, from news of the Washington government and the international scene to national and local reports. Many ads.
The Voice of the Federal Administration N-319. THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, typical issue printed between 1829 and 1838. [Washington, D.C., 4pp large folio]. One of America's great early newspapers, the quasi-official spokesman of the federal government, with very lengthy reporting on the activities of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, plus full national and international news, economic and commercial coverage, and more. There is local Washington news, gossip, and social events and political commentary. The paper survived until 1868, quite a remarkable record of longevity
America's First Sports Magazine! N-324. THE AMERICAN TURF REGISTER AND SPORTING MAGAZINE, 1829 - 1835. [Complete issue of 56 pages, octavo size, published at Baltimore, Md. by John Skinner]
This humble monthly has the distinction of being the first sports magazine printed in America. Of it editor John S. Skinner (1788 - 1851) later reminisced "It was the first of its race ever bred in the United States. It had but one sire and no dam; when it was foaled it was not certain whether it would find food or pasture." Its content is primarily about horses and horse racing, with much on breeding blooded stock, the nation's race tracks, results of the month's races, and so on. I also note accounts of other sporting pastimes, such as fox and deer hunting, among the Virginia gentry, and the great old sport of fishing. At this period America was still rigidly class structured and the self-appointed elite, in conscious imitation of British aristocracy, embraced these sports as the only ones truly worthy of a "gentleman." Editor Skinner was also a close friend of Francis Scott Key, standing at his side during the 1814 attack on Fort McHenry, and he subsequently arranged the first printing of Key's Star-Spangled Banner. Skinner has another "first" to his credit, that of creating the first U.S. farming newspaper, in 1819, a project much esteemed by Thomas Jefferson.
A Fine Modern-Style Newspaper N-325. THE RHODE ISLAND AMERICAN AND GAZETTE, typical issue printed
in 1831. [Complete issue of 4 pages, folio size, published at Providence, R.I., by Mowry
and Hallett].
The study of our subject period comes to an appropriate close with this fine large folio newspaper, for it bears witness to the dramatically improving technology of the infant Industrial Age that will radically alter American journalism. It was printed from the new-style metal type on an English-built steam press, and is on a larger sized sheet, made possible by the new papermaking machines. Filled with news and opinion of the day, as the nation begins to change, through industrial growth, westward expansion, mass immigration, and a deepening rivalry between northern and southern commercial interests for control of the economic destiny of the nation. More ads, with larger illustrations than have been the norm 'til now .
Select Here to go to our full Early Americana catalog, for newspapers individually described and catalogued for their historic significance, plus a further selection of "atmosphere" titles and selected ephemera.
Reference Books
Some references consulted in the preparation of this catalog, and suggested for further reading on the subject period, include the following:
Brigham, History and Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820. American Antiquarian Soc., 1947. Very important 2 vol. set, extensive historical data on these earlier newspapers is included.
Brown, E.T., Union List Of Serials in Libraries of the U.S. and Canada, 1965. Superb 5 vol. set lists magazines, periodicals of all kinds, U.S. and foreign, incl. some foreign newspapers; 156,499 titles in all.
Emery, The Press and America, Prentiss Hall, 1972. A college level journalism text; fairly available, a detailed introduction to the subject, with very useful bibliography listing most important titles on the history of U.S. journalism.
Mott, Frank L., American Journalism, Macmillan, 1941. The most detailed general reference book on the topic, a one volume library.
Mott, F.L., A History of American Magazines, Harvard, 1957. Extremely detailed 4 volume set, a marvel of scholarship.,
Thomas, Isaiah, The History of Printing in America. 1810, since reprinted many times. Classic, first work on the subject, by the famed publisher. Some inaccuracies but fascinating reading.
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