My shopping cart page

Phil Barber, Cambridge, Mass. 02139 Telephone (617) 492-4653
Please set your browser's security settings to "allow scripts" and "allow cookies", as this shopping cart program needs both functions in order to tally your order correctly. You may click here for instructions on how to enable Javascript in popular web browsers. This does not compromise your computer's security in any way, as such cookies are deleted when you close your browser session.

Please be sure you have entered a number in the "My Order Quantity" box (where available). The script can't work properly with a blank entry there!

The catalog items listed below are currently in your shopping cart:

The state sales tax of 6¼% will be added to orders shipped within Massachusetts.

PLEASE NOTE that due to very substantial recent increases in overseas postage and burdensome customs documentation, I must respectfully decline orders from outside the USA.

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